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Wednesday, September 27, 2006

for winter and for fall

I did some shirt designs for a friend. It was fun doing things with limited palettes. UPDATE: You can now buy the mummy here!!!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

itchy shins.

A drawing for Hope's birthday. Happy Birthday Two Days Ago, Hope!

Monday, September 18, 2006

paintings for people.

This is a drawing for the excellent Kip Manley, who had a birthday. It's his characters from his series City of Roses, done in my most unimaginative rpg style, but apparently Roland is dead on so it's okay.

And this is a painting I forgot to post here that I did for Chris Appelhans, who went away.

There will be another drawing for a person tomorrow, and maybe someday I'll draw for myself. I'm working on the Flight comic still!