toil & trouble

Another actual painting on actual paper! What's going on around here. I did this one of Thessaly (from Sandman and her own series) for Neil Gaiman. He's a nice man.
I always liked Thessaly, she had her shit together.
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Wow, this is gorgeous!
Your paintings are always so nice :)
Perfect pairing - your painting style and Gaiman's characters. Looks hot.
So wonderful! I love how you've painted her. I always liked Thessaly, too. And I like Neil Gaiman, and I like you -- trifecta!
Awesome! The blasé attitude totally makes it.
awesome piece! Lookin forward to seeing you guys again at TCAF - actually making the trip this year X-)
Hi Vera,
what did you use for the colors?
Great lively work you've done =)
Hi Vera,
what did you use for the colors? (If you don't mind me asking)
Great lively work you've done =)
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